“Don’t worry baby. I won’t miss the start of the party,” Brian said as he was driving to his Grandfather’s house. His girlfriend on the other end of the line responded, “You better not miss the start,” with a chuckle. “Is your grandfather really that grouchy?”  “Yes!” Brian responded. “There’s a reason I haven’t seen ...


There is something special to be said about a Barbershop. I’ve always found it a very comforting and safe place. It’s comparable to a confessional at church, but without the guilt. Every barbershop I’ve been in there all as clean as a hospital. That relaxing feeling I get when I walk in the door and ...


A Butterfly flies A tear falls from our eyes As their soul drifts into the sky never did we realize the one we had and the one we lost all cause of drugs. Their life was tossed into a box deep in the ground no more laughter not a sound. To wake in the morning ...

This “Tough-On-Crime” Politician Is Singing A New Tune On Criminal Justice Reform, But Should We Buy It?

This “Tough-On-Crime” Politician Is Singing A New Tune On Criminal Justice Reform, But Should We Buy It?
The setting is Massachusetts.  It’s early in the 1990s, and a circle of lawmakers and politicians are working together to politically capitalize on a brand new public sensation: fear-mongering around so-called “super-predators”, or young sadistic teenagers with the capacity to commit unthinkably heinous crimes. Struck with sensationalized images and stories of city gang violence, people ...

The Politics Of Murder: Was Eddie O’Brien, Convicted Teenager In One Of Boston’s Most Infamous Murder Trials, Actually Innocent?

The Politics Of Murder: Was Eddie O’Brien, Convicted Teenager In One Of Boston’s Most Infamous Murder Trials, Actually Innocent?
When the public becomes fixated on something, we all know how quickly facts get left behind for popular rumors, prominent special-interest agendas and ideologies.  Sometimes, public opinion is just plain wrong. That’s just what happened to Eddie O’Brien according to Margo Nash, former bar counsel of the 1995 case of a 15-year-old boy that was ...